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Since early childhood , I saw everyone unconditionally beautiful and did not get the concept or differentiation between "conventional" and "non-conventional" beauty. 
It so happened that further on  this factor determined my profession . 

 I received my education at the Russian Academy of Theatre Arts ( RATI - GITIS ) as the theatre with it's array of characters, roles and faces has always inspired me.

External beauty is not always subjective -  there are a few simple rules that “work” for everyone. 

There is one feature of the face that I am especially obsessed with   - eyebrows . This is the basic of basics. The beginning of time. The most important guide in the geometric structure of the face . I can spend hours looking at the faces of strangers. I know how to bring out the beauty in every face, turn so called flaunts into unique charm.

One of the most joyful part of my work is to witness a moment when a client or model sees her/himself in the mirror after work is completed. Although not...The process of transformation -  that's the most fascinating thing.

The first and last rule of make-up : “golden ratio” 
I know how to “draw” the sparkle in the eyes, elegance and even intelligence.


I respect and abide by the laws of the country in which I live and work in

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PARIS FRANCE / 17.01.19 - 28.01.19

BARSELONA SPAIN / 29.01.19 - 20.02.19

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